Whenever we receive money as a salary, sale of shares/mutual funds, sale of property etc we lose a part of it to three monsters who eat of money and doesn't let you save and invest for the future.

First Monster

I am sure you must have noticed that if you earn say 6,00,000 per annum that comes to 50,000 a month but the actualy amount you get in hand is approx 35 k - 40 k. yes here is the first monster which eats your money before ti comes to you. TAX TAX TAX

Second Monster

This one eats your money every single day. The house you dream of buying one year down the line is not affordable after one year. Your dream vacation is now too expensive to afford. Thanks to the second monster INFLATION

Third Monster

I'll keep this one simple. The third monster is YOU who doesn't invest money for his future but live in the present spending all the money unaware of the big commitments in future.

We can reduce the burden of tax by investing in the right instruments.

We cannot do anything about inflation as we do no control it but yes we can definitely invest in instruments which gives us returns more than the inflation rate and keep our money safe.

Lastly, If we will not save for our self and our family's future...Who Will.